
How To Clean Your System Of Thc In 1 Day

So, you need to pass a drug test. For most of you, this will be a urine screening. You will be asked to urinate into a cup, and then the person administering the test will take it and send it off to a lab for testing.

Getting a job is already hard enough. Don't throw away your golden employment opportunity just because you like to use cannabis in your free time or in the privacy of your own home. Marijuana detox is not as complicated as detoxing from opioids, stimulants, alcohol, and others. However, if you use other addictive drugs, professional help is required to ensure your safety.

In this article, you will find 5 methods of detoxing from THC that may help you pass your drug test and get the job you want. Let's get started.

5 Best Marijuana Detox Methods According to us: How To Pass A Drug Test

Ready to learn about some popular detox methods? Read on to see for yourself. Note that the top two methods are the ones we recommend.

#1. Detox Kits: Mega Clean Herbal Cleanse Detox Drinks

  • Two flavors to pick from
  • Rids toxins of your body in an hour
  • Try this if you use cannabis a lot

Not going to lie, the price tag on this is expensive, but that's because it's the best shot you've got, with no BS, of passing your drug test

. Go read a few reviews after this article! You'll see for yourself.

This is truly one of the most comprehensive detoxes out there.

The drink tastes alright and is designed to help your body get rid of toxins that show as THC metabolites on drug screenings. The product name is Mega Clean Detox. The company TestClear makes it. The herbal formula ensures that even though you will be detoxing, you will have all the usual vitamins and minerals a body should have.

In just a day, the circulatory, digestive, and urinary systems will be flushed out. It tastes pretty decent, not overly sweet; the closest thing we can think of is Gatorade.

You'll want to also use the pre-detox supplement that comes in your shipment box. Do this 12 hours before you begin the main drink. Again, this is going to help you get better results.

Is this right for me? Well, answer these:

-Do you use high amounts of cannabis/do you have a higher body mass?

-Do you need a window of time within 3-5 hours to take your drug test? This stuff is most potent 3 hours after taking it but gives you five hours of clean pee.

-Do you hate the taste of other so-called "detoxes"?

-Can you handle a liter of detox drink?

-Do you need to be supervised while you take your urine test?

If you answered yes to those questions, this is for you.

Now, what do you get? First, there's the 1-liter detox drink, instructions that are pretty simple, and then pre-cleanse tablets. Take them 12 hours before testing.

Using the drink is a breeze; just call them first to make sure you get your personalized detox plan in order. That's right, these guys want to help and will tell you exactly what to do to have the best chance of passing. It's worth the money.

Here's what you can expect, though:

-You'll drink 20 oz of water every 2 hours till it's time to sip the Mega Clean Detox Drink. You will continue drinking h20 for two hours after that.

-You will stay away from drugs and parties/social gatherings where drugs could be present at least 48 hours before the test is to be taken. If you fail the drug screening on this detox, it's likely due to you taking drugs while concurrently detoxing with this/came into contact with drugs inadvertently.

Avoid greasy, processed, high-fat foods. Eat clean. You know- fresh fruits, veggies, lean proteins, complex carbs. Work out. Go for a run, bike, swim, whatever works. Also, stay away from alcohol and medicines/medications you don't need.

You're also going to be drinking lots of water- we're talking 64 oz a day. So, rinse out an old juice bottle if you have to; you've got to get that water in.

#2. Detox Pills

  • It's easy to swallow even if you don't like pills
  • It takes just 5 days to clean you out
  • Good if you're a frequent user of cannabis

Detox in three easy steps- yes, you can do that. These detox pills are made by the same company that did the Mega Clean Detox Drink, so you know it's going to be good.

This is just as effective as the drink, but it's more for people who know they have a drug test coming up but have a little time to prepare for it. This is ideal if you use marijuana a lot and for heavy concentrations of cannabis like vape pens, edibles, and more. This program flushes it away.

Once complete, you can confidently take your drug test. Whether it's blood, saliva, or urine test, they've got you covered.

Inside your shipping box, you'll get pre-rid tabs, liquid detox, and dietary fiber. The liquid is highly concentrated and is good if you've had heavy drug exposure. Then, in just an hour after using, it kicks into overdrive and starts flushing.

These are the steps you can expect. But it's easier than you think!

  1. Take the tabs with an 8oz glass of water, do this every hour for five hours per day for five straight days. Don't use any more than 15 tablets a day. Take your tabs at the same time every day -set an alarm if you have to. Drink 64 oz of water a day and make sure to eat a clean diet for all three meals- no processed food, greasy food, fast food, etc.
  2. Now it's time for the detox liquid. This is going to be taken two hours after the last tablet dose on the last day of your detoxing. During those two hours, it's time to fast- no meals, snacks, or drinks. You will consume half of the liquid detox along with 8 to 16 oz of water (IT HAS TO BE DISTILLED WATER).  Afterward, you will do another 2-hour fast, and after that, you will drink the other half of the detox drink with 8-16 oz more DISTILLED water. Now, another 2-hour fast will take place, and bam- you're done. Mixing the detox liquid with orange juice is alright, too.
  3. Now onto the dietary fiber. This is optional, so only do it if your drug test is scheduled 1-4 days after the detox is over. If you're going to do it, here's how: an hour before your test, mix the fiber with distilled water and chug that thing in 2 minutes. Wait 15 minutes and drink 16 oz more water. After that, don't drink ANY MORE water or juice. Go pee 2-3 times in the following hour and then take your drug test.

#3. Cranberry Juice

  • Tastes pretty good
  • It doesn't cost much
  • Not a true detox

You can find cranberry capsules, supplements, and juice at basically every chain store on the planet. That being said, it MIGHT help, but we think that the Detox Pills or Detox Drink by Mega Clean is going to be your best bet.

But if you still think that cranberry is the best approach for you, we can tell you all about it.

For starters, cranberry items don't actually detox your body of cannabis/THC. It only flushes metabolites from the bladder and may help you get through your urine drug test.

THC stays in our fat cells when we take it. Cranberry juice is a high-carb, high sugar food. The digestive system processes these carbs into sugar, which goes into our blood.

The result is a spike in our body's insulin; this means our body quits using fat as fuel and instead stores it for later use.

Such a high sugar, high carb strategy only makes fat loss harder, which means THC stays longer and detox is slowed.

Cranberry also doesn't impact significantly the enzymes that break down THC metabolites. It doesn't absorb the metabolites, either.

So why do so many marijuana users take cranberry when it's time for a drug screening? It does make you pee clean for a couple of hours after you take it. If you are going to do a urine drug test, this could potentially eliminate the THC metabolite concentration in the urine so you can make it past the drug test.

You would drink 1000 ml of cranberry juice plus electrolyte solution for 3 hours before the test.

You'd take creatine and a vitamin B12 supplement also.

What about Azo pills? Azo is an over-the-counter medicine designed to help cure a urinary tract infection. The capsules are loaded with cranberry powder, which flushes out the urinary tract and thus cures UTIs. It's the same thing as cranberry juice or supplements.

As you can see here, cranberry juice is somewhat complicated to use, and you have to make sure you've got creatine and Vitamin B12 around also. Unfortunately, not all stores have this stuff readily available, especially if you're testing near flu season.

#4. Apple Cider Vinegar

  • A popular health supplement
  • Must dilute with water, could damage teeth
  • Urine may cause automatic failure due to its high pH.

Online you might find people saying they passed their drug tests using Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV. Some people even say regular vinegar helped them pass their drug tests, that it cleansed them out of THC/cannabis metabolites.

This evidence is anecdotal at best, so we still recommend going with the Mega Cleanse products, as it's going to have a better chance of getting you through that drug screening.

That being said, some of you might want to consider vinegar, so let's talk about it.

When we take in cannabis, the body breaks it down into a metabolite that is inactive. This metabolite attaches to glucuronic acid and eventually is expelled via one's urine.

Some people think that if they drink vinegar, a highly acidic liquid, they will release greater levels of THC in the urine in lesser time. But we don't have evidence to prove this claim.  Other people think that ACV is going to help you lower your urine's pH and therefore create a false negative on the drug screening.

Sounds easy, right? Not so fast. We don't have any studies to back this up, and if it does work, your urine is going to look very suspicious to whoever's administering the test.

Apple Cider Vinegar does not affect enzymes that metabolize cannabis in our bodies. It does not affect the excretion of THC. Apple Cider Vinegar only helps by boosting the breakdown of fat and thereby releasing cannabis metabolites into our bloodstream, making them easier to pee out.

Many apple cider vinegars cleanse sold in stores and online might help you avoid a failing drug screening by having you drink a whole gallon of water a few hours before the test is given. Unfortunately, this creates highly diluted urine, and this can cause an automatic failure in some instances. You might have to go back and retake the test while being supervised, which is a real pain.

You should also know that the people giving the drug test are experts; they've seen every so-called "trick" people use to pass these tests. Putting Apple Cider Vinegar in your sample is a classic and creates an abnormal pH for your urine. With a pH of 2.0 to 3.0, apple cider vinegar's acidity pales compared to normal urine sample, which has a pH of 4.5 to 8.0.

Urine is also tested for adulterants, creatine, temperature, and gravity. Your best bet is to just get a solution that works- namely the Mega Clean products!

#5. Lemon and Water

  • Inexpensive and tastes good
  • It helps you stay hydrated
  • You get valuable Vitamin C

Lemon tastes great and is a classic fruit for general wellness- we add it to teas, water and even use it for cleaning and sanitizing. So, while this might taste great, it's not going to have the same impact as Mega Clean does.

So, while this may help, we think that the Detox Drink and Detox Pills we outlined above are a better choice. Even so, let's discuss lemon and water as a THC detox.

Lemon juice could detox THC from your system. Lemon is a fat burner, and as a result, helps us get rid of THC in the fat cells of our body. Even with this great property, lemon juice does slow the metabolism of THC in our liver. But there is a way around it.

Lemon is naturally high in Vitamin C. Having this vitamin in our body helps because we can burn fat at a faster rate. Also, if you have high amounts of Vitamin C in your body, it's easier to oxidize fat in larger amounts while working out as compared to people who don't have enough of it.

Lemon water could also help you in weight loss efforts, and we all know that having less body mass makes it easier to get rid of THC faster. That being said, they also inhibit the enzyme CYP3A3.

Why does this matter? It is because this one is the main enzyme used by our livers to metabolize THC. Without it, our body fat would absorb the THC again.

To make up for this inhibition, you would have to use an inducer like St John's Wort or Panax Ginseng- both are pretty easy to find but do create another step you need to take.

If we prevent the enzyme from doing its job in the first place, we mostly prevent ourselves from detoxing as quickly as we possibly could before the drug testing.

So, what's the point? It's just better as a whole to go with a solution that's going to give you the best chance of passing. It's undoubtedly cheaper to pick up a lemon, pour some tap water, and pop a Panax ginseng tablet, but why go through all that work for a lesser chance of passing?

Go check out the Mega Clean supplements for your best shot at getting by that screening.

Why Would You Want to Remove THC from your body?

You might wonder why anyone would be so concerned about removing THC from their body, especially since it goes away naturally in a matter of time. Turns out there are a few reasons people want to do this- let's learn about them now.

  • You Look Better to Employers

Many employers out there want to maintain a drug-free workplace. By creating a drug-free workplace, employers have workers who are productive, take fewer sick days, and show up on time for work.

Unfortunately, when it comes to cannabis, those under the influence may be paranoid, chatty, or sluggish in their actions- which does not make them very productive employees. As a result, employers test for THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, as a means of screening for people they think would make a good asset to their team.

To reduce the chances of using bad weed, we recommend you to only buy from the best online weed dispensary such as ODKushDaddy. They are a dispensary in Canada that sells all kinds of high quality THC and CBD products.

  • Getting a Job in Transportation

Some of you out there might like to take a job as a professional driver. However, suppose you'd like to drive for a trucking company, a limousine or taxi service, or any other job requiring a commercial driver's license. In that case, you will likely have to take a Department of Transportation drug test.

Even Federal Aviation Administration positions require that aircraft dispatch, flight attendants, flight crews, and ground crews take drug tests. So regardless of where you'd like to work in transportation, you better show up ready to provide a clean drug test so you can take one of these good jobs.

  • You Can Join a Sports Organization

Being accepted into a sports club is a huge honor. Most sports organizations, such as the NCAA, are checking their athletes for steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs, but you should still show up ready to provide a clean test.

By having a clean test, you prove to the leaders of that organization you are prepared to devote your time to be the best athlete you can be, and that means not partaking in activities such as smoking. Check with your organization to see which drugs they test for, if any test is administered at all.

  • Working With Children

If you would like to work with kids in any capacity, be ready to submit to a drug test. While most public schools do not drug test teachers, you will be background checked.

Private education organizations such as private preschools, grammar schools, or secondary schools may drug test their potential employees, even those looking to take jobs in maintenance, food service, or custodial work.

All schools want employees who will positively influence the students, so naturally, they look for drug-free people to fill these positions.

  • Working in Government

Government branches require their employees to be drug-free. In 1986, Ronald Reagan signed an Executive Order declaring that the federal sector was to be a drug-free workplace. Working for the government usually comes with benefits and good pay, but you can't get that if you've got THC in your system.

The Executive Order indicated that potential employees are not suitable for federal work if they are on drugs, that drugs affect the federal government's efficiency, and that all federal workers must refrain from illegal drug use.

FAQs About THC Detox: What Our Readers Are Asking

Q1. What Are Some Symptoms Associated with Detoxing from Marijuana?

Thankfully detoxing from marijuana is not associated with symptoms that could threaten your life. However, some of the symptoms you might experience include restlessness, nausea, pain in the abdomen, depression, chills and/or sweats, urges for marijuana, trouble focusing, changes in mood, headaches, trouble sleeping, irritability, and decreased appetite.

This is going to vary from person to person, and the detox methods described here are for the passage of a drug test. If you need to detox seriously due to becoming dependent upon marijuana/cannabis, you must seek medical help from a doctor or healthcare professional.

Q2. When Should I Seek Professional Help with My Detox Efforts?

Some of you may have clicked on this site because you know you are using too much cannabis. If this sounds like you, get help from a doctor or healthcare professional right away- even if you think you're not "sick enough" to need help.

What does that look like? Here are a few signals it's time to get professional help:

You have mental health issues. A diagnosis of a mental health issue complicates the detox efforts. It can make your mental health worse. As a result, professional help is a necessity in these cases.

You use many substances. Marijuana detox is not as complicated as detoxing from opioids, stimulants, alcohol, and others. However, if you use other addictive drugs, professional help is required to ensure your safety.

You've relapsed before. If you've tried on your own and didn't succeed, go get professional help. This will decrease the likelihood of relapsing again. It doesn't mean you are a failure- just that you need some extra help, and that's OK.

Q3. Is It Dangerous to Detox at Home?

It can be. If you're in an environment where you are used to using marijuana, old habits and cravings are harder to beat. It's hardest in the first days of abstaining from the drug.

As a result, you must create a drug-free, welcoming and safe environment for yourself. For some, this will only be achieved by attending treatment that happens away from home. Then, there will be fewer triggers around that cause a person to use.

Q4. Are There Any Products Out There to Help Me Detox If I Have a Hair Follicle Test?

Yes, TestClear, the same people who sell the Mega Clean Detox Drink and Detox Pills, offer a few different hair follicle shampoos you can use to pass your drug screening if it's a hair test. Just go to the Testclear site and search for yourself; you'll see that they have a few different options available.

Q5. What's The Best Way to Get THC Out of My System?

Honestly, the thing to do is just wait it out and stop using. Eventually, the cannabinoid will exit your system. Cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar, and lemon water might help.

And with so much misinformation out there on the internet, you run the risk of failing your drug screening. At the same time, we understand waiting it out isn't always feasible, especially if you need a job right away.

Conclusion: Which Is The Best Marijuana Detox Method?

We hope these five methods of THC/weed detox methods have been helpful for you. Whether your goal is to find a job, join a sports club or special organization, past use of cannabis should not stop you.

The best two methods of detox are the Mega Cleanse Detox Pills or Drink. The customer reviews speak for themselves; you'll find many reviews left by happy customers who were able to pass their screenings with flying colors.

Of course, results will vary, and we cannot guarantee any of these methods to be foolproof. So be smart and abstain from drugs before your test, eat a healthy, clean diet, drink plenty of water, and exercise.

How To Clean Your System Of Thc In 1 Day


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